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Team rocket is pretty bad in this game, we all know it but I just wanted to ask you, what if you made rocket bases. They are gyms taken over by rockets like a shadow raid and their will be like 5 grunts in a tier one. Maybe 10 to 15 in a tier 2 and 20 in a tier three. Then in a tier 4 their will be 25 rockets and a rocket leader. Then in tier 5 their will be 15 and all 3 leaders and a Giovani. They should be their own little structures on or near poke stops and gyms. This should be like tier 1 and 2 on poke-stops. Then tier 3 can be in both poke-stop and gym. Tier 4 and 5 are gyms only which you can all do as a group but the tiers 1-3 can have a max of 5 people to fight (you included) and then 4 and 5 should be a unlimited amount of people but people have to use those gems for shadow raids to fight Giovani's Pokémon due to the fact they each leader will have a good PvP Pokémon or a legendary OR a shiny. Then Giovani will use the best Pokémon of each rocket boss. And the people will also have to choose what Pokémon they want it could be ANY of the Pokémon used but the cp for good Pokémon that you choose will loose a extra few cp points or whatever but it will be better candies and you can also choose to just get raid drops or 20 pokecoins instead of a Pokémon. This is an idea just saying, a very well thought idea but still an idea
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So there are a lot of these going around now, but I figure I’ll add to it just in case it can help change anything since it seems like the only thing Niantic hears is press or money. I played the beta. I played day 1. I left and came back a few times. I played during the pandemic. I have seen this game evolve over time. Some changes were good, some were bad. The game went from being able to play for fun, to having a pressure to spend money to play, to being required to spend money to play to get things in the game (like shiny mew??). All of this progressed over time until we get here, a point where the game is unplayable unless you pay money or actively avoid 90% of the features that were added and not removed. This game has gone from one that I would happily put money into due to the enjoyment, connectivity, and socialization I got out of it, but now? Now I don’t plan on playing it until a lot of these issues get fixed. It costs then nothing to keep Covid protections in game. It costs them nothing to allow for remote raiding, especially for remote players. It costs them nothing to make the game better in ways that truly matter and have already been done. Instead, they add stickers. Instead, they remove the ability to get legendaries unless you live in an area with a decently sized player base. Instead, they push people out while trying to claim inclusitivity because it doesn’t match their finances.